January 2020: Shopping-Free-Year

No Shopping for a Year

Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. I shopped in order to feel good.

The Turn Since I got engaged with sustainability issues more than 10 years ago, I have tried to reduce what I buy. As Gretchen Ruben describes in her book about habits. For some people it’s easier to avoid things completely, while for some it’s easier to do it in moderation. I am not a moderator. I am an all-or-nothing-kinda-girl. So I decided to try what it’s like to not shop anything for a year.

No Shopping


  • Health The effects on our bodies through shopping are indirect.


  • Behaviour We over consume.
  • Time We spend an average of 8 years on shopping.
  • Money We spend about % percent on “luxury goods”, things we want, but don’t actually need.


  • Emissions ….
  • Waste ….
  • Ressources

No Shopping for a Year. This of course excludes usables, like food and cosmetic products.

Sources If I do buy anything, I chose organic and unpackaged. In Berlin, this is rather easy.