How to redefine who I am.

How do we get from the sense of being an autonomous individual to a sense of being embedded in a greater whole?

Step 1: We start with a cognitive process. We learn about our interconnectedness and understand that this makes much more sense than any idea of an autonomous individual. We are laughed at by our peers for being so naiv. 

Step 2: Although we are not really feeling it, we act like we are actually connected to the plants in our neighbours garden, to the homeless, to the eggs we eat. We make our peers curious. 

Step 3: We embody the wholeness. It’s our way of being. We got there through a deep process of immersive practices, like spending time in nature, intimate relationships, psychedelics. Our peers want to be us. 

Even if we make it only to step 2, we can already make quantum leap changes in how the world works.