- 500gr certainty
- 132gr wrongness
- 52gr quote
- 200g gut instinct
- 753gr losing yourself
- Questions to taste
- Take certainty out of the package. Your certainty stops you from any growth. If you think you know it all, there is no room to learn.
- Unwrap wrongness. You are wrong. About everything.
- In a food processor, combine certainty with wrongness. What you’ll get is convictions about yourself, others, society, culture, the planet, the universe, and god that are - mildly expressed - insufficient. They don’t represent what’s true. They represent your own beliefs about what’s true. You build your own truth based on your context, history, and surroundings.
- Put the smooth paste into the oven for 35min, and you will get meaning for yourself. Your brain is designed to hold on to that meaning. It doesn’t want to let go of it. This leads to a bias in which your brain automatically picks out the information that confirms your truth—also called confirmation bias. Anything that doesn’t your brain rejects.
- Let this quote sink in for 5 sec“I used to think the human brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.” Mark Manson
- Once the paste is hardened, take it out of the oven. Let it cool for a year.
- Now add your gut instinct. Trust what it tells you. Your emotions will lead you. You will get a beautiful bunch of bullshit, feeling justified and all.
- Forget about step 6 and instead lose yourself. Don’t know who you are. It keeps you going and exploring. And it will make you more compassionate when you have in mind that the other person might also be right.
- Garnish with questions. Don’t ever think you know. Always question your thoughts. And you’ll get the magic of Life: humble-ity.