The problem wolf
This morning, the newspaper of my choice reported that wolves in Germany increasingly kill sheep and goats. The debate was about when we are allowed to kill wolves. The article reminded me of a heated conversation I had with my dad a few years ago, in which he was defending the position to kill wolves that come to close to our small town city borders because they can be dangerous.
To make sense of my dad and the newspaper debate, thoughts spring to my mind like: Fear of the wildlife. Fear of the unknown. Entitlement. Control. Human exceptionalism. Separation. Misunderstanding.
And I am left wondering how to overcome these misconceptions of how the world works.
And I am left wondering how to move from the Anthropocene to the Eco-cene, which, in contrast to the age of the Anthropocene, de-centers the human and brings humans in right relation to the more-than-human world.
And I am left wondering how to slay that mosquito that found it’s way into MY office.