What do you believe to be true?
A) Transforming the world is easy
B) Transforming the world is impossible
C) Transforming the world is hard
D) Transforming the world is possible?
My immediate answer s been that it is hard yet possible. I never doubted that it is hard. But what does hard even mean? That it is complex? That it takes effort? That it takes money? That it seems impossible?
The best advice I got when I was still smoking and wanted to stop was, “Well, just don’t ever put a cigarette in your mouth again.” It was such a blant answer that I immediately lit a cigarette after.
Yet, it is also the truest thing I have heard about smoking.
And I wonder if it is the same with transformations towards sustainability. Hard in the context of sustainability to me signifies that it is complex and difficult and that no one knows what to do. If I thought otherwise, I would be out of a job. But, what if hard means that it only takes some degree of being uncomfortable, and that’s it. Like not lighting a cigarette again. Instead of making it more complicated and blaming it on complexity, acknowledging that the solutions (mainly) exist already and what is “only” missing is the implementation. If I spend my energy on implementation instead of analyzing why implementation is hard, what results would I get?
So, I wonder if the “right” answer to what I believe to be true is changing. A more beautiful world is possible and easy to achieve.