What if…
As humans, we believe that we are more advanced than other species. Many of us also belief, that we are the final product of what evolution has to offer. We are it. At the very top of what can be reached. More sophisticated, smart and cultural than other species. But looking back the last 3.5 billion years, we can come to the conclusion, just by logical thinking, that we are not it. That we are just an intermediate. Maybe we as humans are more sophisticated, smart and cultural than other species. Right now. What if we are just the first ones? Just as the Ichthyostega was the first animal that lived on land. Maybe Ichthy thought “Done. I am the most sophisticated being on this planet. No need for further evolution.” So maybe, we are just the first. Maybe others will follow. Maybe in 1 million years, we have a dolphin city, setting up a fish market economy. Maybe in 1 million years, we will be able to communicate with animals and learn their language, just like we learn French. That is, if we find a way, to let dolphins live another 1 million years.