Why we do(n’t) need advice
I think advice is the worst thing ever invented in human history. And advisors are hence the worst people in history. When I advise, I fall into two pitfalls:
- When it’s personal advice: I think I know better than my advisee what’s good for herself.
- When it’s professional advice: I might actually know better, but I don’t have stakes in the execution which lets me advise the world to you.
The opposite of advice is to share experiences and expertise. The difference is that when I share advice, I care that you accept what I say and might even impose ideas on you. My success and contentment are dependent on your ability to act on my advice. When I share experiences and expertise I am detached from what you do with them. My success and contentment are independent of your (in)ability to act on it.
So my advice for today: Stay away from advice.